Our Mission
All Aboard Beaufort is dedicated to fostering resilience in youth through community engagement, support programs, and educational initiatives.

? of the Week - Should I let my teenager drink non-alcoholic drinks?
The short answer is NO, The Alcohol and Drug Foundation's stance on non-alcoholic beverages, is to not give them to our youth saying they could serve as a "gateway", or normalise the consumption of alcohol.
Non-alcoholic beer, wine and spirits, also referred to sometimes as zero-alcohol drinks or alcohol-free drinks, are defined as: beverages containing less than 0.5 per cent alcohol by volume, which feature the branding of established alcohol companies, and/or are designed to imitate the flavor, packaging or overall appearance of alcohol products. Doctor Pennay says giving young people anything that might potentially increase their interest in it probably isn't a good idea.’ "[Influencing them] to wait until they're 18 is always going to be the best advice," she says, adding the longer someone holds off from drinking alcohol, the less likely they are to be a "problematic drinker as they age". ( What to know before giving your teen non-alcoholic beer or wine - ABC News)

Member Spotlight - Cherie Patterson Scoggins
Cherie received her bachelor’s degree in human services from the University of South Carolina. She has been with Beaufort County Government for 20 years. Cherie is the Human Service Manager which encompasses Bright Beginnings Early Intervention and Beaufort County Case Management which aids Beaufort County residents with intellectual disabilities, related disabilities, head injuries and spinal cord injuries. In addition, Cherie has served on the Ronald McDonald Coastal Empire Board and as a member of the Beaufort Exchange Club.
Cherie is devoted to her family and has two beautiful children Tucker (17) and Blake (10) along with her husband retired Deputy Fire Chief Clay who is the owner of Scoggins All Terrain Land Clearing.
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