Help Reduce Plastic Pollution in Beaufort County; Survey Now Open for Comment Until March 1

Thursday, January 16, 2025 11:33 AM
In 2018, Beaufort County Council passed an ordinance that was intended to limit the number of plastic bags that end up in our fragile environment. The County is considering revisiting the ordinance to ensure that it is having the intended effect and is being fairly implemented.
Counties, municipalities, and countries around the world are at a pivotal point in the battle against plastic pollution. Global production and use of plastics has outpaced population growth, and 8 million pieces of plastic pollution make their way into the ocean every day. Beaufort County aims to create healthier, safer, and livable communities through the reduction of environmental pollutants.
The survey found here, has two options: one for consumers, the other, for business owners.
Both surveys are brief and there are also two fact sheets that can be downloaded for further information. One fact sheet involves plastic bag bans and the other is entitled Lowcountry Plastics Fact Sheet.
The survey will be available until Saturday, March 1.