Lady's Island Village Center Master Plan Update on October Agenda of Beaufort County Community Services and Land Use Committee

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Wednesday, September 20, 2023 10:01 AM

Beaufort County Committee Services and Land Use Committee met recently and agenda item eight--an overview and background of the Lady's Island Village Center Master Plan--generated quite a bit of public interest and comment.

As a result of the lengthy discussion, public comment and interest, Committee Chair Council Member Alice Howard announced that the committee would have the item on the October agenda to discuss the ongoing progress and eventual implementation of the master plan.

She said the item would be a progress update from County Planning and Zoning staff and City Planning Staff. 

"From the level of public interest and comment, we recognize the importance and impact of this project to residents and business on Lady's Island," stated Committee Chair Alice Howard. "The scope of this project will forever change the landscape, impact growth, increase traffic and change the overall look of Lady's Island. The key is growth management, constant open and clear communication of vision and goals and the way to do that is sharing regular updates while continuing to hear the public's feedback."

In 2019 the City and the County completed an area plan for Lady’s Island that involved an extensive public input and engagement process that established growth management tools that will ensure Lady’s Island develops appropriately if those tools are implemented and maintained in the future. Immediately following the adoption of the plan, members of the Plan Implementation Committee called for the City and the County to develop a Lady’s Island Village Center Master Plan that would focus on the business district along Sea Island Parkway and Sams Point Road.

To watch Monday's Community Services and Land Use Committee meeting on BCTV, click here.

The next Community Services and Land Use Committee meeting will be at 3 p.m., Monday, October 9.

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