Beaufort County Treasurer Begins Mobile Home Audit

Monday, June 3, 2019 5:06 PM
The Beaufort County Treasurer’s Office will be visiting all mobile home properties over the next few weeks to update and confirm mobile home property records.
In partnership with Palmetto Posting, Inc., field agents will visit the locations of mobile homes listed on the County’s property records to verify basic information such as the mobile home’s existence, take pictures for the property’s record, and establish Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates.
Field agents will leave a courtesy notice at each location to indicate their visit and outline a number of useful tips for mobile home owners and occupants, such as what to do when a mobile home is sold or demolished. It is incumbent upon the property owner to notify the County.
The mobile home audit proactively seeks updates to the County’s data and ensures better management of mobile home property records. While this is the primary intent of the audit, other County services will also benefit, such as Emergency Management/911 by providing GPS coordinates and verification that a house number is displayed (a County requirement) so first responders know where they need to go in an emergency and are able to identify the home when they arrive.
If you or someone you know receives a courtesy notice, please contact the Beaufort County Treasurer’s Office at 843-255-2639 or visit for assistance in updating the property records.