Beaufort County Launches New Website and New Website Address

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 5:17 PM
Beaufort County has launched its new website
The new site is mobile (touch) friendly and features visual improvements, an enhanced and searchable archives section, and more streamlined navigation. The new site also has an upgraded public meetings calendar and news section, while maintaining access to the County’s financial transparency portal, comprehensive public meeting video center, and news subscription area. The new domain better describes the County than the previous one of Having an approved “.gov” site confirms to users that it represents an official unit of government.
Beaufort County Council has taken steps to ensure that the County Administrator’s staff has the latest technology and resources to bring forward positive outcomes like this new site for the organization and general public. Consequently, the Communications and Accountability Department, with the County’s Web Design and Content Manager serving as the project manager, custom-built the new site. Staff members on the County’s Information Technology Applications team and Broadcast Services team collaborated as well, by shooting the site’s video imagery highlighting the County’s diverse beauty. By using internal staff to develop the website, County Administration kept resource allocation in-house as well as the ability to make ongoing improvements as needed.
Staff will no longer update the old website after today. The old website has been set with a redirect prompt to the new website as a courtesy to the public. County email addresses are not affected by this transition. Please direct any questions to